Potřebujete doplňky stravy?

Doplňky stravy jsou všude okolo nás, jen jejich role je nejistá. Žádný doktor vám nepotvrdí ani nevyvrátí, že doplňky stravy podporují zdraví člověka a prodlužují život. Co si tedy máme o doplňcích stravy myslet? Mohou pro nás být zdroje zdraví a krásy?


Nejprve je důležité porozumět rozdílu mezi doplňky stravy a léky. Doplňky stravy na rozdíl od léků využívají přírodní látky nebo přírodně identické (totožné s přírodními, ale synteticky připravené). A především se jedná o látky, které nejsou zařazeny do seznamu léčiv. Přitom často se setkáváme s názorem, že když se doplňky stravy prodávají v lékárně, jedná se o léky. Možná kdyby se tak doplňky stravy prodávaly v prodejnách zdravé výživy nebo v supermarketech, byl by názor populace odlišný. Vždyť doplňky stravy patří mnohem více mezi potraviny než mezi léky. 

Mnohé z nich jsou i cíleně a legálně využívány oficiálním oborem medicíny, zvaným „naturopatie“ (přírodní medicína). A také mnohé z nich jsou v některých zemích dokonce propláceny některými zdravotními pojišťovnami. 


Food supplements are therefore "supplements" because the purpose of their use is to supplement what is missing in the diet or what at any given moment is lacking in the body for many other reasons. Simply said, they are the precious substances that our food producers will prepare us for, the harmful substances that will not just be delivered to us by food, but by any other industry which damages all our health. 

However, this problem is not tackled by existing medicine. So you will address a doctor only after all the possible negative effects cause an illness. Even contemporary medicine recognizes that many diseases are related to inappropriate diet, lifestyle and inappropriate environment. And when your doctor then prescribes you some medication, he or she should perhaps remind you that it would be appropriate to use a dietary supplement because your medicine may be effective, but causes, unfortunately, for example, a disorder of absorption of certain protective substances from the diet. 



Dietary supplements have become the subject of several different scientific studies examining in particular their efficacy in the long term. And their effect on health and delaying the aging process has already been confirmed several times. This is evidenced by the fact that many pharmaceutical concerns themselves produce food supplements and gradually transform the basic pharmaceutical ingredients of medicaments into natural raw materials. "Even among food supplements, however, there are huge differences in their quality. This concerns primarily their active substance, whether it is its natural form of organic or inorganic type; at the same time, it is also necessary to observe the other added substances. Ideal dietary supplements should have a high value of the active ingredient and should not contain dyes, lactose, gluten and an unnecessary amount of salt," MUDr. Monika Golková, the only certified anti-aging specialist adds.

By the way, the reason why many supplements do not work is exactly the same as why some drugs do not. It is mainly dependent on individuality - the specificity of the situation in which these products are served. And last but not least, in what quantity, at what time, and how regularly they are served. All this influences the effects of food supplements and medicines. So the best solution is an individual consultation on food supplements that are directly suitable for the body in question, such as provided by the A2C Clinic in cooperation with our e-shop Exclusive vitamins and food supplements for your youth, good health and for a body full of vitality and energy - Protistarnuticzwww.protistarnuti.cz.