To prevent disease, we perform other important genetic tests to determine unambiguously a possible future predisposition to different (and also in the future not-easily-treatable) diseases about which you perhaps you have no foreboding.

Overwhelmingly, these diseases are the most frequent:

breast and prostate cancers, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, disturbances of bleeding or clotting, determining the ability of the organism to detoxify itself, identifying drugs that are ideal and improper for our organism, etc..



AndroSensor 40plus

Examination of the genetic risk for prostate cancer, thrombosis, osteoporosis, metabolic imbalance, detoxification ability and chronic inflammation.

FemSensor 40plus

Examination of the appropriateness of long-term estrogen substitution, osteoporosis, risk of thrombosis disorders, cardiovascular diseases and breast carcinoma due to individual genetic profile.


Evaluation of the risk of pregnancy and pregnancy complications such as gestosis, thromboses and recurrent miscarriages.


Identification of genetic variations that affect metabolism and the efficiency of the use of individual drugs and their side effects.


PREMIUM female

Premium system for women. Assessing the risks of the long-term use of estrogens, relation of thrombosis appearance and HRT use, breast cancer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, coronary artery disease, detoxification ability. Genetic variations that affect your metabolism, effectiveness and side effects of various drugs.



Premium system for men. Genetic risk of prostate tumours, thrombosis, osteoporosis, detoxification ability, chronic inflammation, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, coronary artery disease, detoxification ability. Genetic variations that affect your metabolism, effectiveness and side effects of various drugs.

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